I first heard of the X Files before it even aired. The buzz was that
this was an intelligent show, with great star chemistry. So I said to myself,
hmmm, we must remember to check this out.
And the rest, as thay say, was history. Okay, a sordid, shameful history, but
history nontheless.
This was also the show which inspired my first fan fiction. Well, if you discount
that early Star Wars stuff. And we should -- I'm pretty sure I shredded all
the evidence.
Ah, the X-Files. Two strong-willed characters, weird goings-on, and a format
that linked the storylines up but still allowed for stand-alone episodes? It
was like pointing fanwriters to a buffet of fabulous foods, and saying "oh,
by the way, doggie bags are allowed."
But *sniff* those days ended. Things Went Wrong. And, to my mind, the series
ended a long time ago. Which is why the fic here is from those earlier days,
back when the characters made sense, and the universe was an odd place with
the promise of logic somewhere just out of sight...
I may return to writing new XF fic. We shall see what the new season brings.
But until then, I give you the first work of my fannish little heart...
From Waaaaaay Back When. Scully needs
some space, post-abduction. Mulder, as usual, doesn't Get It. Angst and smut
ensues. NC-17. I mean it...!
A collaborative fic, first published under the name Nora Ann Souter.
Missing women in a small town in upstate
New York leads to complications when Scully becomes the next victim.
This story contains Adult Content. Under 18? Check out another story.