In every generation, there comes one television show that is destined to
become a legend... Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Angel. Two straight hours for the discerning viewer
to be passionate about. And isn't that a miracle enough to make you believe
in a kind and benevolent, tv-watching, S.F. reading god?
Go. Read. Enjoy.
Table of Contents
The Best Lies
Are the ones we tell ourselves. A snippet
written during the great Beige Rift (aka Angel's brief Putz-headedness)
Blood-Dimmed Tide
If Buffy is the Slayerettes' leader, then Giles is their center. But what happens
when the center cannot hold? Warning: Darkfic. Evil suricata is loose and this
is NOT for the under-17 or easily disturbed. Updated,
still incomplete.
The further Education of... (A follow-up to "Master Class." C/G adult activities.
Above 18 onlies, please!)
"Fired? We're fired?" This was actually written before "Redefinition".
I posted it to a list, so I have witnesses! But Crosswinds wouldn't let me
update. *grumble*
The "Senex Amans" series
Game Begins
An Immortal arrives in Los Angeles. The wheels begin to turn.
Methos shares a few home truths with Angel. You'd think someone that old would
know better by now...
An entry from the journal of Wesley Windham-Price.
Under heat and pressure, objects -- and people -- are refined... An Angel/Buffy
crossover. Seriously Jossed. Greenwalted? Josswalted. But I planned it
to be A.U. anyway...
This fic has won five, count 'em five awards.
*suri pauses to wipe a tear from her eye* I...I feel so loved... *sniffle*
In A Dark
An ANGEL scene, post-"Darla." Love illuminates.
Author's note: Otherwise known as Angel's a schmuck.
del Muerto
Willow. Spell. Sometimes, the best of intentions... are enough.
Warriors of the Light, with VCR
When the going gets stressed, the stressed write snippets. Don't expect much
but maybe the occasional snicker.
Perfect Ceremony of Love's Right
*blush* I actually forgot I wrote this one. But here it is, in all its' sniffly
glory. Written in season three, what happens when Buffy has to grow up overnight.
Warning: Character Death 'n Angst.
Willow, drooling. As per an IRC conversation one Tuesday night...
A possible solution to "how on earth is Cordy ever going to find a job that
doesn't interere with her 'real' jobs as Messenger and Gal Friday?" Slight
spoilers for "Eternity."
New Year's Ficlet '00
Angel Investigations sees in the New Year.
Love Lessons
An Alternate Universe ANGELfic, in which Doyle not only gets to be the hero,
but reaps the benefits therein... Hosted at suricata's sister site, Sands o' Denial, which
you should check out, anyway.
Family Retainer
Reposting old fluffy-fic to succor those reading TIDE. We all know what Rupert
inherited from the his father's maternal side. But what came to him from the
Giles family tree...?
An End Of Days
When tragedy hits, there's only one place for Cordelia to go... warning: spoilers
for "Hero"(Oh, like you don't know already!). Warning: weepyfic.
Bad, and Dangerous to Know
The classic, salvaged from various hard drives and restored for the discerning
reader. Ethan's stolen an artifact, and Giles is going after it...but Willow
won't let the Watcher go it alone. PG-13 and NC-17 endings available, so stick
with your reading level, please.
A completely A.U. version of Sunnydale High's 1999 graduation. G rated and
sweet...a rare suricata outing into the Fluffy side of the Force.
Willow reacts to Giles' being fired. G/PG rated, much to my astonishment.
Must be something in the water...
My reaction to all those "first time as perfect bliss" stories. Hah. Giles/Cordelia
(yes, I know, I'm sorry), and probably NC-17, so mind your manners and don't
go reading it you're under legal age in your reading location, okay?
Watcher's Burden
A what-if piece, suggested by too many teasers for "next week on Buffy..."
I like my version better.
and Honor
A short vignette on what it means to be a Watcher.
Watcher You Deserve
You don't always get what you want. If you're very lucky... you get what you
Served Cold...
suricata laughs, low and evil. Angel-lovers, beware....
He Was Bad
When he was bad, he was very very bad. When he was really bad,... he
was Yummy. Giles, natch. ADULTS ONLY. Yes, I mean it. Don't make me lock you
A long ago promises comes back to haunt Giles.. and create new possibilities
for Willow. Adult situations (that means sex, and therefore off limits
if you're under the local age of consent). Hey, don't bitch to me, I
didn't make the laws...
Giles and Willow. Readers above the local age of consent only, please!
Five Words
and an Obligatory Nude Scene
A GASP challenge fic using five pre-set words.
I added the nude scene all by my lonesome.
Happy Returns
Another vignette. Watcher, Scotch, and too many thoughts.
An interrupted spell causes mayhem for one of the Scooby Gang...
A choose-you-own-ending story
and please,