(links fixed 24 July 2001)
Vampires. Giles. Teen Angst. Humor. Doyle. Great one-liners. Giles. Vampiric
Angst. Classic Villians. Adult angst. Multiple shades of moral ambiguities.
DarkGiles (aka Ripper). Doyle. (ND,D!) Need I say more?
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INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY NOTICE: Taking original elements of these stories and using them in other stories without permission is plagiarism. Please don't. If you really love a character of mine, I'll probably let them come out to play if you ask nicely.
Please note: Any original ideas, characters, descriptions, settings, or plotlines which have been created by these authors for these stories (and which have not been taken from any episodes of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files or Highlander) MAY NOT be used by other fanfiction authors without the originator's EXPLICIT permission. Again, ask nicely, see what wonders can result.
These stories are written just for fun and are not an attempt to make money or to infringe on any copyrights or trademarks held by The Usual Corporate Suspects . Only the original ideas and characters contained within the works on this nonprofit web site are the property of suricata. Please do not link or copy or archive these stories to any other website, mailing list, or print medium without specific permission. I will find out, and I will be cross. And you don't want to make the suricata unhappy...
disclaimer wording taken in most part from The Less Than Legendary Journeys. Checkitout.